

PPCA Calls all Australian Recording Artists and Labels

PPCA (Phonographic Performance Company of Australia) is a national, not-for-profit organisation that represents the interests of Australian recording artists and labels.

PPCA is authorised by its licensors to issue blanket licences to Australian businesses so that they can play sound recordings and music videos. We currently license over 50,000 businesses Australia-wide, including clubs, hotels, bars, restaurants, fitness centres, cafes, shops, halls and dance studios, as well as radio and television stations.

Each year, PPCA distributes the licence income collected, less administration expenses, to sound recording copyright holders (usually record labels) and registered Australian recording artists.

Australian recording artists may be able to share in licence fees collected by PPCA under the Artist Direct Distribution Scheme. The scheme provides an opportunity for featured Australian recording artists to obtain direct payment for the playing of their sound recordings in a public space.

If you are a record label and hold the rights in sound recordings, PPCA helps administer those rights by collecting licence fees on your behalf. Artists don’t have to be signed to a label to benefit from registering with PPCA. Artists that have retained the copyright in their sound recordings can register with PPCA as both an artist and a record label.

It’s essential that you register with PPCA to be eligible to share in PPCA’s annual distribution. Registering with PPCA is free. We urge all Australian recording artists and record labels to visit www.ppca.com.au to register on-line (or contact PPCA’s Distribution Department at distribution.mail@ppca.com.au or on (02) 8569 1133 if you need assistance or more information).

Registration for PPCA’s 2014 Distribution closes on August 31, 2014.

Editor of Jazz Australia, formerly contributor to Sydney Morning Herald and Women's Money MagazineMusic programmer and producer