On the eve of his second concert in the series Adam Simmon’s talks about how this piece fits within the suite of music.
This is the work that has in a way inspired the whole series.
Compared to the first in the series, which was heavily arranged and orchestrated, the material for this one is much simpler, with much greater freedom for interpretation by the ensemble musicians.
The Concerto for Piano and Toy Band was more of an exploration of contrasts (and connections) between classical/jazz, composed/improvised, solo/ensemble.
The Usefulness of Art is much more about sharing in the responsibility of travelling through the form. It is composed with a clear structure, but each musician is free to choose how best to contribute to the realisation of the piece.
The ensemble is more than double the size, with a much broader range of backgrounds – including age, gender, genre and experience.
This second project is really featuring the Creative Music Ensemble as a whole.
The first piece had a more theatrical and madcap feel, both musically and with the use of toys. This performance will still have an aspect of theatrical experience with the stage design/lighting, projection and look of the musicians, but it is a more serious piece than the Concerto, but one that seeks to welcome the listener in to the sound world.
Featuring: The Adam Simmons Creative Music Ensemble, with art installation by Diokno Pasilan and costumes by Christine Crawshaw
Dates: Thursday 24th to Sunday 27th August 2017, 7.30pm each night except Sunday matinee at 3pm. Concert duration: 60 minutes.
Venue: fortyfivedownstairs, 45 Flinders Lane, Melbourne 3000
Ticketing URL: http://www.fortyfivedownstairs.com/wp2016/event/the-usefulness-of-art/