Which were the best orchestral, instrumental, vocal, choral and jazz works in 2016? Which were the best performances? Whose name should be on the shortlist of the category Excellence by an Individual? Which organisation impressed you? What about achievements in music education, regional music, experimental music, and jazz?
2016 winner Nyilipidgi
Nominations are accepted from current AMC or APRA members – also from industry organisations and companies such as educational institutions, broadcasters, retail outlets, recording studios, and promoters. If you need to be reminded of your membership number, please give us a call. You can also join the AMC or renew your membership online.
Online nominations can be lodged until 5pm AEST on Monday 11 April. Make sure you read the Rules and Guidelines and include the required support materials.
Nominations for the 2017 Art Music Awards are now open. This is your chance to influence the shortlists, and the AMC’s Australian music calendar for 2016 is a good starting point: to browse by State, just follow these links: Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia.