There has been a very good response to our discussion about jazz clips on YouTube. It seems video clips are becoming as common as MySpace profiles.

Tony Buck from The Necks alerted us to a clip of the trio performing Kilt Maker

The Necks this week celebrate their 20th anniversary. The group first performed at the Old Darlinginton School, Sydney University, on 9 April, 1987.


Tony Buck can also be seen and heard with pianist Antonis Anissegos.


Other videos include: Australian clarinetist Chris Tanner playing in Denmark with the Dutch Oriental Jazzband.

Pianist Chris Cody at the Duc des lombards, Paris.

Australasian drummer Lauchie Jamieson. The story of his experiences playing in mixed bands in 50s America is more interesting than the clip.

In other news, Aron Ottignon is working with documentary maker George Gittoes (Rampage and Soundtrack to War) on a film clip of Dance Dance Dance from Aronas’ album Culture Tunnels as well as a DVD of the band in concert.